Dare’s Insight Week gives undergraduates the opportunity to learn about the world of energy trading. Read about the experiences of our most recent Spring intern class in our London headquarters.
Our spring 2022 interns: Julien, Dayena, Fabienne, Carla, Ethan, Geena, Aditya, Edvard, Leyli
Throughout our Insight Week at Dare, we absorbed all that we could about the fast-paced world of energy trading. Our steep learning curve began with classroom lessons on energy markets, moving on to pit trading games and Q&A sessions with senior traders. Equipped with our newfound knowledge, we were introduced to the trading floor to shadow traders. The atmosphere on the trading floor was electric; watching traders execute trades and deal with multiple brokers in a high energy environment gave us an exciting insight into their working day.
Following this lively experience, we quickly progressed to work on research projects in small teams. The research we presented addressed real-world, live business needs in the company. The way that senior team members discussed, analysed and gave feedback on our work made it clear that this exercise had real value.
Towards the end of the week, we had the chance to volunteer at Whitechapel Mission, Dare’s Charity of the Year. The mission has supported London’s homeless since 1876, meeting the needs of each person who walks through their doors. We joined the clothes sorting effort at the mission which was a great way to be part of Dare’s commitment to the local community.
Considering we were only there for a week, the level of trust you get at Dare is meaningful. Part of this is down to the strong feeling of welcome and connection that the company gives you, both on a personal level whilst speaking to team members about their work, and during actual work experience within the trading world.
As we wrapped up the week, we were taken on a social like no other. Whilst enjoying a virtual reality gaming experience that was as immersive as the learning we’d just experienced, we were able to pause and reflect. The hands-on introduction to trading inspired us more than books, courses or webinars ever have.
Above all though, perhaps the most important insight from the week is the team’s enthusiasm and excitement about what they do – there’s a real connection to Dare’s mission, and that drive to make a difference sets the team and their culture apart.”
Visit our careers page for more insights into our student and professional opportunities, and make sure to check out our Charity of the Year, Whitechapel Mission, here.